Vba Read Data From Excel File Without Opening

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VBA code to write to a text file from Excel Range Macros Examples for writing to text files using VBA in MS Office Discussion, PowerPoint, Access, Excel 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013 and VBScript. This Example VBA Program and function will help you lot to know how to read the data from excel and write to text file from a Range using Excel VBA.

Writing to a text file from Excel Range Using VBA

Here is the Procedure, Case VBA Syntax and Example VBA Macro lawmaking for writing to a text file from Excel Range. This volition help you to know how to write to a text file using VBA.

VBA write to a text file from Excel Range: Process

Nosotros volition first open the text file for writing as output file with a file number. Then we will read the data from excel and write to the text file using File Number.

VBA write to a text file from Excel Range: Syntax

Here is the VBA code and syntax for Writing to a text file Using VBA. Here we are reading the data from Range A1 and Writing to the text File.
strFile_Path = "Your file Path" Open strFile_Path For Output Every bit #ane Write #1, Range("A1")              

VBA write to a text file from Excel Range: Example Macro Code

Following is the sample Excel Macro to write to a text file from worksheet using Excel VBA. We are reading the first to rows in cavalcade A and writing to the text file using For loop.
Sub VBA_write_to_a_text_file_from_Excel_Range()     Dim iCntr as Lonng     Dim strFile_Path As String     strFile_Path = "C:\temp\examination.txt"      Open up strFile_Path For Output As #i For iCntr = 1 To 10     Write #1, Range("A" & iCntr) Next iCntr     Close #1 Stop Sub              

Instructions to run the VBA Macro lawmaking to read from excel and write to a text file

Delight follow the below steps to execute the VBA code to read the data from Excel and write to a text file using Excel VBA Editor.
Footstep 1: Open up any Excel workbook [ To Open MS Excel: Become to Start menu, All programs and select Excel from MS Part OR Y'all can just type excel in the run command (Printing Windows+ r central to open run dialog)] Step 2: Press Alt+F11 to open the VBA Editor [You can likewise open the VBE from the Developer Tab in the Excel ribbon] Footstep 3: Insert a lawmaking module [Go to insert bill of fare in the VBE and then press Module OR Simply printing the Alt+i then chiliad to insert code module] Step iv: Re-create the above Instance Macro lawmaking and paste in the code module which have inserted in the higher up stride
Step v: Alter the folder path as per your testing folder construction
Step half-dozen: Enter some sample information in Range A1 to A10 for testing purpose
Footstep seven: At present printing the F5 to Run and Execute the Macro
You can printing the F8 to debug the macro line by line and encounter the result immediately

Once you are done with the macro execution, at present you can observe that a text file in the test folder. And the text file in the folder is updated with the data from the specified range A1 to A10.

VBA write to a text file from Excel Cells Macro Explained

Here is the detailed explanation of the Excel macro to write to text file from Excel Cells using VBA.
  • Starting the program and sub procedure to write VBA code to read data from Excel and write the data to a text file.
  • Declaring iCntr variable as Long Data Type to use information technology in for loop to repeat the range A1 to A10.
  • Declaring the strFile_Path variable as String Data Type to store the text file path.
  • Assigning the File path to the variable strFile_Path.
  • Opening the text file for Output with FileNumber equally 1.
  • 'Looping through the cells in the range A1 to A10 and writing the appointment from excel into the File using FileNumber and Write Command.
  • Endmost the File using FileNumber.
  • Ending the Sub procedure to write VBA Code to read data from Excel and write the information to a text file.

Here is the commented macro code for writing to text file using VBA.

'Starting the plan and sub procedure to write VBA code to read data from Excel and write the data to a text file.
Sub VBA_write_to_a_text_file_from_Excel_Range()

'Declaring iCntr variable equally Long Data Type to employ it in for loop to echo the range A1 to A10.
Dim icntr As Long

'Declaring the strFile_Path variable as String Data Type to store the text file path.
Dim strFile_Path As Cord

'Assigning the File path to the variable strFile_Path.
strFile_Path = "C:\temp\examination.txt"

'Opening the text file for Output with FileNumber equally 1.
Open strFile_Path For Output As #1

'Looping through the cells in the range A1 to A10 and writing the engagement from excel into the File using FileNumber and Write Command.
For icntr = i To x
Write #1, Range("A" & icntr)
Next icntr

'Endmost the File using FileNumber.
Close #i
Catastrophe the Sub process to write VBA Code to read data from Excel and write the data to a text file.

VBA write to a text file from Excel Range without double quotes: Instance Macro Lawmaking

Following is the sample Excel Macro to write to a text file without double quotes from worksheet using Excel VBA. We are reading the rows commencement in column A and writing to the text file using For loop.
Sub VBA_write_to_a_text_file_from_Excel_Range()     Dim iCntr     Dim strFile_Path As String      strFile_Path = "C:\temp\test.txt"      Open up strFile_Path For Output As #1      For iCntr = 1 To 10         Print #1, Range("A" & iCntr)     Next iCntr      Close #1 Cease Sub              

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PNRao is a passionate business analyst and having close to 10 years of feel in Data Mining, Information Analysis and Application Development. This blog is his passion to learn new skills and share his knowledge to brand you expertise in Data Analysis (Excel, VBA, SQL, SAS, Statistical Methods, Marketplace Research Methodologies and Data Analysis Techniques).


  1. Thanks it was a neat help for a beginner similar me!!

    • You are virtually welcome! Enjoy learning VBA to exercise awesome things at your piece of work place!

  2. Hi

    Tried this code it is working fine only output is coming inside braces, double cords (" ") can delight tell how to remove this

    thank you and regards


    • Hullo Dushyant,

      Here is the code which will aid you to solve your requirement.

      Sub VBA_write_to_a_text_file_from_Excel_Range()
      Dim iCntr
      Dim strFile_Path As String
      strFile_Path = "C:\temp\test.txt"

      Open strFile_Path For Output Equally #1
      For iCntr = ane To 10
      Impress #1, Range("A" & iCntr)
      Next iCntr
      Close #ane
      End Sub


  3. Hi

    With the aid of your in a higher place example i have created below code which is creating one batch file which accept some SVN command

    Sub CopyToTxt()

    Dim Rows

    ' Declaring the strFile_Path variable every bit Cord Information Blazon to shop the text file path.

    Dim strFile_Path As String

    ' Assigning path where bat file will create followed by file name with extension as .bat

    strFile_Path = "D:\Users\dpadhya\Desktop\VBA\test.bat"

    ' opening the bat file for writing value with #1 command

    Open strFile_Path For Output As #1

    ' printing value from defined column (Range- Rows 1 to 10000) to notepad,

    For Rows = 1 To 10

    Print #1, Range("A" & Rows); " "; Range("B" & Rows); " "; Range("C" & Rows); " "; Range("D" & Rows); " "; Range("E" & Rows)

    Next Rows

    Close #1

    ' command to run batch file

    Beat out ("D:\Users\dpadhya\Desktop\VBA\test.bat")

    i want to write this excel data direct to command prompt, can you please tell me what changes i demand to do to achieve this

  4. Hullo,
    Dearest this code, after hours of looking am 99% where I need to be.
    Need some aid though, when the lawmaking writes to the text file it stores as "My Text Here" But I demand to become rid of the " as it prevents me from creating what I demand.
    I am using this VBA to create a .Bat script daily to transfer files, the cavalcade it looks at has the copy commands the bat needs to run.
    I modified the code to loop though the cavalcade and place in the text just the " makes it unusable.
    Please Help! Lawmaking Below:

    Sub VBA_write_to_a_text_file_New_Line() Sheets("TESTTRANSFER").Select MaxRange = Range("AB1").Value TextRange = two  Do Until TextRange = MaxRange  TextWrite = Range("AB" & TextRange).Value     Dim strFile_Path Every bit String     strFile_Path = "C:\TESTFROM\FILETRANSFERTEST2.TXT"     Open strFile_Path For Append As #1     Range("AB" & TextRange).Select     Write #1, TextWrite     Shut #1 TextRange = TextRange + ane  Loop  End Sub                      
    • Hi James,

      Even I faced this result on my get-go fourth dimension. Delight replace "Write" Keyword with "Print". Here you become:

      Sub VBA_write_to_a_text_file_New_Line() Sheets("TESTTRANSFER").Select MaxRange = Range("AB1").Value TextRange = 2  Do Until TextRange = MaxRange  TextWrite = Range("AB" & TextRange).Value     Dim strFile_Path As String     strFile_Path = "C:\TESTFROM\FILETRANSFERTEST2.TXT"     Open strFile_Path For Suspend As #1     Range("AB" & TextRange).Select                            Impress                            #i, TextWrite     Shut #i TextRange = TextRange + ane  Loop  End Sub                          


      • After executing this code my text file is increasing simply no data is saved and excel and vba goes not responding
        could please help me

  5. Works Peachy, Cheers so much for the help.
    Site Bookmarked :)

  6. Thanks for the code!! It does exactly what I want.

    1 question:
    How do I proper name the file name as the value of one of the cells in the worksheet?


  7. Looking to get a macro that volition Write one column range (unknown/variable number of Rows) to a file (File name from existing header). I also need to loop through a number of columns. …….. Peradventure a selected range across all the data then create the files and will need the ability to over write existing files.

  8. This does exactly what I need except the ability to specify the file name without editing the script. I need to create multiple txt files with unlike names. Is at that place a way to have the script to enquire for a file name before writing the data to it?

  9. Hullo I am not good at programming. However, I trying to provide a solution to an upshot at my workplace. I managed to build the below
    lawmaking which is working and resolved the consequence partially. The below code is helping me re-create data from excel canvass and create a text
    files by deleting blank lines. Only, each time new text file is created it is replacing the old file. Tin can anyone please help me with the lawmaking to retain all the old files in the folder and simultaneously create a new file?

    Dim iCntr As Long
    Dim strFile_Path As String
    strFile_Path = "C:\work\test.txt"
    Open strFile_Path For Output As #i
    For iCntr = 6 To 30
    Impress #i, Range("B" & iCntr)
    Adjacent iCntr
    Close #one
    Const ForReading = one

    Const ForWriting = 2

    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile("C:\work\test.txt", ForReading)

    Do Until objFile.AtEndOfStream

    strLine = objFile.Readline

    strLine = Trim(strLine)

    If Len(strLine) > 0 And then

    strNewContents = strNewContents & strLine & vbCrLf

    Finish If



    Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile("C:\piece of work\test.txt", ForWriting)

    objFile.Write strNewContents

    Finish Sub

  10. Hey,

    The commodity was of great assistance. I just need one modification in this.

    I want the data in different cells to be copied to unlike text files.

    Could you help me with this.


  11. Need assist.I am using this VB code, only for me its difficult to predict the range how do I do that:

    Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
    Dim iCntr
    Dim strFile_Path Every bit String
    strFile_Path = "C:\temp\Import_To_CCH.txt"
    Open strFile_Path For Output Every bit #ane
    For iCntr = 2 To 2313
    Print #1, Range("D" & iCntr)
    Next iCntr
    Close #one
    Finish Sub

  12. Cheers PN Rao ji for this. Can you let me know how to practise this VB when we desire the data to be fetched from another Sail.

  13. HI,
    I take xml file and I wanna convert that to XLS file with some specific attributes within a specific tag. Can any one please give me sample windows batch file. Information technology will be very helpful to me.

    Thank you,
    Kishore T.

  14. How to file name is my cell value?

    • Let usa say, yous take the filename in the Range B1, your code will be equally shown beneath:
      strFile_Path = "C:\temp\"&Range("B1").value

  15. Hi..
    I need to convert a excel to txt file using Vb macro ex: my data's are in excel in A colum northward B coulmn i demand those datas to convert in txt file equally single row like A column information so BColumn data again A coimn information due north B cavalcade data without anyspace need to re-create only the column datas in single row

    For example: excel data As
    A. B
    134578888 W677888Z01
    144533888 Z0677888Z02

    Then I need to convert equally txt file as single row

    Tin can anyone help me with the coding am entirely new to this

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Source: https://analysistabs.com/vba/write-to-text-file-from-excel-range/

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